Contact – Drag Fan
Where can we buy Tom’s Drags?
Tom’s Drag Collection is an exclusive individual series, legally protected worldwide, owned by Tom’s Company GmbH, and is available in selected retail stores only.
We will be happy to tell you the address of the retail store closest to you where you will be able to find our Tom’s Drag Collection. Please send an email to
Ultimately, if an article from the collection is not in stock there, our retail partners can usually arrange to order it for you. We are happy to give you details of the retailer closest to you. Just get in touch with us .
In countries and regions where there is no retailer carrying our collection we´ll be happy to try and supply you direct. Check out our online shop with all available Tom´s Drag items at In order to find out if a shipment to your country is possible, please get in touch with us by email.
Moreover, our showroom in 66578 Schiffweiler, Germany (in Saarland near the French border: 50 km west of Kaiserslautern and 170 km west of Frankfurt, 90 km south of Luxemburg) opens its doors to Tom´s Drag fans and collectors every first Saturday of the month from 10 am to 3 pm: There you will find not only the current Tom´s Drag Collection but also some interesting remaining stock items and second quality goods. We look forward to seeing you there.
Address: Tom´s Company GmbH, Knappenweg 6, DE-66578 Schiffweiler
Contact – Retailers
How to become a retailer for Tom´s Drag collection ?
You are a retailer and you would like to have the Tom’s Drag Collection in your shop?
Send an e-mail to so that our international distribution partners can contact you.